Thomas Mulliner's Music Book.
Cittern MS Add. 30513, London, Great Britain, British Library.

Last updated Sunday, April 02, 2023.
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Music manuscript belonging to one Thomas Mulliner. While the manuscript contains works for keyboard, cittern, and gittern, only works for cittern and gittern are listed here. Works are for chromatic 4-course cittern in French tuning unless otherwise noted.

"A songue," beginning of cittern section, f. 118r



title notes


118 A songue  
2 118v-119 A pauion for 5 course cittern
3 119v-120v [chi passa] gitterne for gittern
4 120v-121v [pavan on p. antico] for gittern
5 121v [fragment] for gittern
6 122 [galliard on p. antico, second half incomplete] Cytherne  
7 122v-123 quepasse  
8 123 Was not goode Kinge Solomon  
9 123v [pavan on p. antico]  
10 123v-125 Queene of Scottes gallyard to ye Sitherne; per T M  
11 125-126 The frenche galliarde  
12 126v-127 Venetian galliarde / galliarde Churcheyarde  


How to cite this page: Hartig, Andrew. "Thomas Mulliner's Music Book ." Renovata Cythara: The Renaissance Cittern Site. Ed. Andrew Hartig. 02 April 2023. 22 October 2024. <>.

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